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Report ranks 10 cities with most car crashes in 2019

On Behalf of | Feb 10, 2020 | Car Accidents

Missouri residents may be wondering what cities see the greatest number of car accidents. A report from the nonprofit Go Safe Labs answered this need with a report ranking the top 10 cities that see the most accidents as well as the top 10 most accident-prone “hotspots” in the nation.

Researchers analyzed car crash data spanning the years 2018 and 2019. They found that, for 2019, Houston was the worst with 22,188 accidents. Texas had two other cities ranked in the top 10: Austin at 16,635 and Houston at 14,865. In second and third place were Charlotte, North Carolina, with 21,818 and Los Angeles with 19,660. Raleigh, North Carolina, came in sixth with 12,846 even though it saw 25.5% fewer car accidents compared to 2018.

Nationwide, car accident numbers rose 6.8% with 2019 seeing a total of 953,630 crashes. Researchers determined that there is a certain exit on Interstate 85 in Greenville, South Carolina, that was the setting of 404 accidents in 2019, making it the most accident-prone region in all of the U.S. Two other regions in Greenville made the top 10.

Researchers stated that their intention with the report was to see what could be learned about 2019 as the new year progresses. They hope everyone will practice safer driving around those hazardous locations.

Almost all car accidents are due to the negligence of one or the other driver. In many cases, both drivers in a two-car crash are to blame. Missouri follows the rule of comparative negligence, so injured victims who are partially at fault may still recover damages in a third-party insurance claim, but their degree of fault will proportionally lower the amount they receive. Victims may want to see a lawyer for assistance, especially with negotiations.