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Automobile technology to detect drunk driving

On Behalf of | Dec 13, 2019 | Car Accidents

Missouri residents may be surprised to learn that approximately 30 people die in car accidents connected to drunk driving every day in the United States. This means that one person dies every 48 minutes. The technology to minimize drunk driving deaths, or possibly eradicate them, already exists. Many wonder why automobile manufacturers are not installing it in their vehicles.

The Reduce Impaired Driving for Everyone Act of 2019 is designed to address that issue. Senators Tom Udall and Rick Scott have cosponsored the bill. The law would require new cars to come equipped with alcohol detection systems by the year 2024. It is thought that this law could save upward of 7,000 lives annually.

The law is designed to do more than require automotive companies to install hardware. It funds the development of advanced software created to detect alcohol in drivers. A pilot program would be initiated with a fleet of vehicles equipped with the hardware and software needed to test for alcohol levels. These vehicles would be a mixture of state and private vehicles.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is looking to partner with private companies, vehicle manufacturers, parts suppliers, centers of higher education and other groups within the engineering and software development industries to advance this program. After the pilot program is underway, it will be reviewed after the first 12 months and then again every 180 days. The goal is to have the technology installed in new vehicles within two years of the law’s enactment.

Being the victim of an automobile accident caused by drunk driving can be life-changing. Car accidents of this type often leave victims with physical and emotional injuries. A victim of this type of accident may want to speak to a personal injury attorney. Legal counsel could work with their client and help them get compensation to cover their damages.