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Drowsiness spreads when daylight saving time ends

On Behalf of | Nov 7, 2019 | Car Accidents

With the end of daylight saving time, everyone gains one hour of sleep. However, it should be noted that the change causes a disruption to the body’s internal clock. As the body readjusts, one must expect to feel sleepy for a day or two afterward. Unfortunately, residents of Missouri who must head out on the road after the end of DST run a higher risk for a crash. Drowsiness, after all, dulls one’s ability to judge and react to dangers.

Drowsy driving is behind roughly 328,000 car accidents every year in the U.S. The National Sleep Foundation links it to some 50,000 cases of debilitating injuries and 6,400 fatalities. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety shows how widespread the problem is in its 2018 Traffic Safety Culture Index. 27% of respondents said that at least once in the past 30 days, they found it hard to keep their eyes open while driving.

This was in spite of the fact that 96% of respondents agreed that drowsy driving is extremely dangerous. To make matters worse, many people take advantage of the end of DST by staying up later than usual. AAA warns against this because it only compounds one’s drowsiness. AAA also cautions drivers about commuting home in the dark, when visibility is poor since the sun sets sooner after DST ends.

Drowsy driving is just one example of negligence behind the wheel. When drowsy, distracted, drunk or aggressive drivers cause car accidents, they can be held liable for any injuries people sustain. In their effort to be reimbursed for economic and noneconomic damages, victims can file a personal injury claim, but they may want legal representation. Insurance companies have lawyers, too, who often work hard to deny claims, but an attorney may deftly handle all settlement negotiations.