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How drivers can prevent car accidents

On Behalf of | Oct 10, 2019 | Car Accidents

Even though the mortality rate from vehicle accidents is going down, it is still a major problem. An estimated 40,000 people lost their lives in car accidents in the year 2018. For this reason, drivers in Missouri and other states should learn about ways that they can prevent car accidents from occurring.

One common factor behind traffic fatalities is road rage. When a motorist is patient and courteous, they can reduce some of the stress that leads to road rage and aggressive driving. Individuals can prevent accidents by having a peaceful, positive and calm attitude when behind the wheel.

No one should ever get behind the wheel while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. For drivers 21 and older, a blood alcohol level of 0.08 is the legal threshold for a DUI. Driving while influenced by alcohol is one of the major causes of car accidents, with nearly 10,000 lives being taken each year because of it.

Drivers should never neglect maintaining their vehicles. Serious problems can emerge when engine, tire and brake maintenance is ignored. It is also important for drivers to make sure their airbags are intact.

While most people work toward preventing car accidents, they still occur. If a person is the victim of an injury while on the road, they may wish to discuss their case with a personal injury attorney. Legal counsel might be able to help the individual get compensation that covers injuries, lost wages, and pain and suffering. They may even be able to represent the client in court if necessary.