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Auto Accident Negligence

On Behalf of | May 28, 2019 | Car Accidents

Personal injury law sets certain standards that must be met before a car accident victim can claim that damages arose from another party’s negligence. In legal cases, a Missouri resident is expected to exercise the highest degree of care when driving a car.  A crash victim must then collect evidence that some form of negligence occurred and that it directly caused the injuries.

Multiple issues might represent negligence on behalf of a driver. Speeding above the posted limit or driving too fast for conditions, such as in a heavy rainstorm, usually supports a charge of negligence. Following other vehicles too closely also reduces safety and makes accidents more likely. Drivers should aim to have at least one car length for every 10 mph of speed between them and the vehicles ahead of them. Violations of various traffic laws could serve as negligence as well. This includes failing to stop completely for a stop sign or not signaling a lane change.

Without proof of negligence, there is no personal injury case.  Calling an experienced St. Louis personal injury attorney is the first step in determining whether you may assert a claim for your bodily injuries.  William Holland has personally handled 5,000 motor vehicle accident cases and is happy to discuss yours. Contact

The law also obligates drivers to pay attention to the road. They must avoid distractions from mobile phone devices. Evidence that a driver was engaged in activities other than focusing on the road could prove that distracted driving led to an accident. Sometimes, poor vehicle maintenance might count toward negligence if a crash resulted from a car’s inability to operate properly.

A consultation with an attorney could improve a person’s understanding of the laws that apply to car accidents. If negligence appears to be present, then an attorney could help the injured victim pursue a personal injury insurance claim or lawsuit. Legal counsel might organize an accident investigation and confront the insurer with the evidence.