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Distracted driving habits are not easy to break

On Behalf of | Apr 3, 2019 | Car Accidents

Most Missouri drivers are probably aware of the dangers of being distracted behind the wheel. Nevertheless, it’s not easy for motorists to break habits that could divert their attention while driving. In fact, a survey of more than 2,000 executives and consumers found that roughly eight out of 10 people polled admitted that they talk on their cellphones while driving. More than 30 percent of respondents reported having a near-miss vehicle accident because they were distracted.

The insurance company that conducted the survey also noted that while distracted driving car accidents do create possible liabilities for companies, many employers still expect workers to remain connected. Therefore, they do very little to discourage inattentive driving. Typing an email or text was the most common distracted driving risk identified in the survey. This was followed by social media use, capturing video/taking pictures and shopping online.

Furthermore, nearly 15 percent of drivers questioned say it would be “very difficult” for them to stop looking at texts or emails while behind the wheel. Furthermore, 19 percent of respondents said they would continue to drive while distracted even it was against the law. However, a different study found that collision-related emergency room visits and injuries dropped in states where texting while driving is banned. The insurance company survey also found that many people don’t use smartphone features meant to minimize distractions. On a positive note, the survey found that having conversations about distracted driving can have an effect on behavior.

Because of the prevalence of distracted driving, it’s fairly commonplace for a car accident attorney to look for evidence of this type of negligence. Distracted driving is sometimes provable by evidence of device use on phone records. Other times, witnesses alert legal professionals about possible distracted driving actions.