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Poorly Maintained Trucks Cause Mayhem

On Behalf of | Aug 31, 2018 | Truck Accidents

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Another tragedy occurred in New Mexico because a poorly maintained truck blew a tire, crossed over the median and struck a Greyhound Bus head on.  At least seven bus passengers were killed and dozens injured.  Truck companies and truck drivers who do not follow protocol and conduct regular inspections of their equipment are often to blame for causing horrific highway accidents.  

According the the St. Louis Post Dispatch, the Greyhound bus began its journey in St. Louis, Missouri for a trip to Los Angeles.  According to witnesses, the semitruck’s trailer was upside down and shredded to pieces and part of the front of the Greyhound bus was torn off.  Our prayers go out to all of the families affected by this highly preventable crash.

Holland Injury Law, a St. Louis personal injury firm, just successfully litigated a Federal Court case where a truck blew a tire on the highway and it struck multiple vehicles.  See trucking accidents.

While the families and victims will no doubt recover from the at fault parties, this tragic crash will also serve as a reminder to all truck drivers that they are responsible for doing their level best to ensure that thier equipment is maintained properly and that they follow the Federally mandated inspection process before each trip.